Ages 16+
kr 500
Viking tour by a lake + Swedish nature forest walk, 90min
Book this slow tour including a beautiful nature walk, lake side visit and viking tour today! Experience real 1000 years old iconic viking runestones, touch and feel the runes as well as learning how to write and read them. Enjoy the magical Swedish nature thru two shorter walks and rest by, and get your photo taken at the side of, a beautiful lake while experiencing one of the viking age coolest places, the viking parlament Arkils Tingstad.
Here, surrounded by beautiful and relaxing Swedish nature close to a big lake, you’ll get to explore Viking Age. You’ll be reached by an expert authorized viking tour guide about the vikings customs and social life in Scandinavia.
The path to get there is also part of the journey and experience
Well meet a bit further away from the site to give you a taste of the Swedish nature. On the way to the site we’ll walk thru the beautiful Swedish forest by foot. We’ll follow a cute beaten up forest path’s going over a smaller mountain (pavement walking thru suburbs possible or an easier path to follow thru the forest). Along the way the guide talks about Swedish life, nature and our unique Swedish right: Allemansrätten.
When arriving upon the viking age site itself, next to a beautiful lakeside, you’ll hear, learn and the viking age life and living. You’ll get to know to write runes and enjoy a beautiful day surrounded by nature and history. The best part is that this experience-filled tour is situated only a hour away by reliable public transport from central Stockholm.
Tour schedule
1. Meetup at the Lovisedal bus stop (se instruktions how to get here below). Followed by a 15min walk with shirt guided stops thru the beautiful Swedish forest.
2. After arriving we do the actual viking tour where you can get a feeling of eons past, touch real 1000 years old rune stones and an understanding of the site we’ve come to.
3. Well visit the beautiful lake Vallentuna who are right by the site, less than 1min from arkils assembly place. Here at the site of the water you can relax and enjoy the scenery and hear some of viking reputation, ships and raids.
4. We’ll walk back, on the pavement or true another forest road, to the bus stop.
How to get to our meeting location:
For this tour we’ll meet up close to the site in order to do a 15min walking trip thrue the beautiful, magical Swedish forest before entering the site. During the walk the guide talks about Swedish life and the right to walk freely on anyone’s land.
The Swedish public transport are reliable and our meeting place are at the bus stop Lovisedal, 25-30min by bus 610 from Danderyds hospital who connect to Stockholm central station by 15min on the Red subway line towards Mörby centrum. The Subway stop are Dandryds sjukhus and from there you get direct out to the bus hub (choose buses going in the north-going direction) and bus 610 towards Vallentuna centrum or Vallentuna Rosengården.
another explanation comes here how to find it: We recommend taking public transportation to the site. Take Stockholm central station’s (T-centralen) red subway line towards Mörby Centrum, and get off at Dandrys Sjukhus. There you take the 610 bus towards either Vallentuna station or Vallentuna Norrgården. You get off at the Lovisedal bus stop after about 25 minutes. There, you and the guide walk towards the assembly place thru the beautiful Swedish forest.
About Arkils assembly site:
- It dates to around 1010 and are placed in Vallentuna, around 25kk north of Stockholm, Sweden. Lord Ulf had recently died and his sons decided to build an viking parlament to commemorate him.
- The large Skålhamra kin group built up a parliament by the lakeside and used it as assembly place, not only to honor Ulf but also to consolidate their power in the region.
- Assembly sites were the Viking’s political and judicial centers where punishment, local laws as well as socially important events like marriages took place at.
- The Mediveal society was divided into häraden (juridical districts), and each should have one assembly place or thingstad, which to some extent had the same function as today’s Swedish municipalities.
- Local and knowledgeable guide
- Private tour
- Visit Arkils assembly site, one of the most well-preserved Vikings parliaments in Sweden.
- A historic time travel experience
- A great time away from the city visiting the suburbs of Sweden