Company media coverage
Media in English
Read about a Viking Age tour visit from Slow Travel Stockholm (2016), a visit on our Viking 3h tour + Iron Age tour.
Local Swedish Media
Vallentunas egen tidsmaskin (2015) and Möt Vendeltidens kungar (2015). both in Swedish, and about our first tour site at Vada sea mounds, now part of our Iron Age tour.
De vandrar genom historien (2016). In Swedish, about one of our local history walks, now part of the Countryside and Swedish history tours.
Internationella kunder uteblir – då satsar Jonathan på nytt (2020). In Swedish, about the new “bloody medieval horror and folklore walk” in Vallentuna and virtual tours due to no English customers cause of Corona.
Blog post in Swedish, with many pictures, about a Viking Age Tour at Arkils assembly place, a place who are visited on all our Viking Age tours.

Nationally Qualified Tourist Guides. Authorized by Sweguide – The Swedish Guide Association, VISITA! – The Swedish hospitality sector.

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